An investigation on building a Recurrent Neural Network(RNN) for Music Generation

—— Generating Christmas Carol Melody as examples

Creative Programming And Computing 2019-2020

What if we can make a model

generating some Christmas songs?

Project Idea


CPC Lectures 10-11

CPC Lab 6 


So this is the task we want to do: 

    Given a character, or a sequence of characters,

               what is the most probable next character?

               Can we train a model to perform this task?



What is a Christmas feeling melody?

……Warm Cheery Festive Shining

Spiritual Angelic

Home  Love

Why we want to use RNN

  • We choose to explore RNN as music can be considered as a continuous sequence of data, with pitch and duration
  • RNN has its internal state(memory) to process a variable-length sequence of inputs
  • It's also widely used in handwriting and speech recognition tasks

How to get an appropriate Data Set

ABC Notation ​

Vector Space

Work Flow Diagram


Data Cleaning
Data Collection

Check the data

we collected


Build the Model


Final Conclusion


